Circular City: Mapping Berlin’s Material Streams**Workshop #1 **There and Back Again: Exploring Sustainable and Circular Design Strategies 04. - 06.04.2019 This three-day workshop will take the students through a landscape of design approaches across materials, models and mindsets. Starting with the sustainability strategies explored in TED’s TEN, the students will find their own examples to illustrate and map MATERIALS. They will redesign an object using the TEN, and hear a keynote talk from Professor Becky Earley about how the TEN were developed over a 20-year period, and how they have guided innovation processes. On day 2 the students will learn about end-of-life design strategy from a range of perspectives through the work of the PhD researchers, Cathryn Hall and Laetitia Forst. They will be thinking more broadly about designing systems and MODELS for material recovery. The group will divide in to two teams for two separate workshops, before sharing back to the room. On day 3 the focus switches to speed. This broaches two contrasting approaches. Firstly, the idea of designing and making things to last. Secondly, for short-life user narratives and MINDSETS. This is often a surprising session as the participants are asked to imagine new materials for extreme use contexts – a people-driven design approach. The 3 days will end with a creative mapping session to summarise the insights across the broader theme, MATERIALS, MODELS and MINDSETS. Lecturers: Cathryn Hall, Laetitia Forst, Professor Rebecca Earley Centre for Circular Design, University of the Arts London, UK Workshop #2**Team-Building* 10.04.2019 Ziel des Projekts ist es, in interdisziplinären Tandems/Teams die Potenziale der beteiligten Disziplinen kennen zu lernen, diese zu nutzen und in innovativen und inspirierenden Produkten und Szenarien zu verbinden. Dieser Workshop soll die Teilnehmerinnen des Entwurfsprojekts beim Team-Building Prozess unterstützen. Dozentinnen: Sara Diaz Rodriguez, Natalija Krasnoperova weißensee kunsthochschule berlin und Studio HILO, Berlin Workshop #3**Biotech-Workshop – BERLIN SOIL 16./17.04.2019 Dieser Workshop soll in das Feld Biodesign und Biomaterialien auf Basis von Mikroorganismen einführen und findet im topLab e.V., Berlin statt. The workshop invites the participants to explore the symbiotic relationship between humans and the soil in their habitat. How can we understand the complex organisation of microorganisms in the soily environment? What defines our daily interaction with these organisms? What does symbiosis really mean? For the practical part, the participants will learn how to prepare the medium for the microorganisms, nurture and grow them. The workshop will take place at >top lab in Berlin, and each participant will learn how to use advanced microbiology bio-protocols and self-made tools to collect, process, and observe soil samples. Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Mirela Alistar Biodesign and Physical Interaction with Living Matter, Atlas Institute and the Department of Computer Science, CU Boulder Workshop #4**Mapping & Visualisation Workshop 21./28./29.05.2019 Im Workshop wird es darum gehen, die entwickelten Konzepte professionell in Visualisierungen zu überführen. Dozent: Prof. Steffen Schuhmann Visuelle Kommunikation, weißensee kunsthochschule berlin Workshop #5**Material Cycles Concept Development* 22./24.05.2019 In the workshop we will focus intensively on the concept development of each greenlab project. Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Lucy Norris Theorie & Geschichte, weißensee kunsthochschule berlin Die Workshops sind projektbegleitend und können nur für Projektteilnehmerinnen angeboten werden. Hier geht es zum GreenDesign 8.0Hier geht es zu den talks