Symposium Green Design 7.0
Material Cycles
The international symposium will highlight the various concepts, strategies and practices regarding sustainability issues from the perspective of designers, technologists and practitioners working in the area of ecological design systems and circular economy. The focus will be on innovative concepts, practical developments, and social and economic potential of sustainable and ecologically sound production, the role of design and the designer within this context, as well as the impact of these practices on our everyday lives. The symposium is organised by the environmental design initiative greenlab
- Laboratory for Sustainable Design Strategies based at the weissensee kunsthochschule berlin. It connects higher education, practice-led design research and industry to support, inspire and create innovative approaches to the development of sustainable and ethical products, services and systems. Workshops and individual design projects supported by greenlab will take place throughout the summer semester. Through research and collaboration, this practice-led design research initiative aims to critically analyse, and give a material form to, concepts that balance ecology, society and culture by employing design methods and strategies.
The language of the symposium is English. Participation is free of charge. Please register at: eventbrite.com/e/green-design-70-symposium-material-cycles-tickets-43848717695 greenlab - Laboratory for Sustainable Design Strategies weißensee kunsthochschule berlin Bühringstr. 20, 13086 Berlin April 13th, 2018 10.00 am - 6.30 pm
Programme:**10.00: Opening Address
greenlab, weißensee kunsthochschule berlin
10.10: Shaping Futures:
Material Flows and Human Economies Prof. Dr. Lucy Norris, weißensee kunsthochschule berlin
A New Relationship Between Designers
**and Materials for More Circular Design Prof. Aart van Bezooijen, Burg Giebichenstein, University of Art and Design Halle; Founder
of Material Stories, Hamburg
10.50: Waste is a Design Flaw. Investigating the Role of Design in the Circular Economy Sophie Thomas, Thomas Matthews. Founder of
The Great Recovery Project, RSA, London
11.15: Fashion at the Crossroads:
**Successes and Future Challenges of
Greenpeace‘s Detox Campaign Dr. Kirsten Brodde, Greenpeace Germany
11.35: Coffee / Tea
11.55: Interdisciplinary Approaches to
Environmental Impact Dr. Kat Austen, Cultural Fellow in Art and Science, Cultural Institute, University of Leeds, Leeds / Berlin
12.20: Innovation Management and
Circularity at BSR Frieder Söling, BSR, Vorstandsbüro Energie, Umwelt,
Innovationen, Berliner Stadtreinigung
12.45: Engineering Circularity -
****Circular Economy by Design
Björn Schlingmann, Engineering Lead, Miniwiz
Europe GmbH & Johann Bödecker CEO
Pentatonic GmbH
13.10: Cradle to Cradle in Practice Ulrike Niesmann, Senior Project Manager, EPEA Internationale Umweltforsschung
13.35: relab - an Experimental Case
Study to Create a Circular Material
Flow at weissensee kunsthochschule berlin Lilith Habisreutinger, Product Design student,
weißensee kunsthochschule berlin
13.45: Lunch Break
14.45: Biomimicry: What Nature Can Teach us About Circularity, Value and Innovation Dr. Arndt Pechstein, phi360 innovation /
Hasso-Plattner Institute, Berlin
15.10: Biodesign - Rethinking the Way We
Make Things Dr. Flavia Barragan, Chemist & Bioscientist, topLab, Berlin
15.35: Genetic Architectures and Biological
Urban Lighting Prof. Dr. Alberto T. Estevez, Director, Institute For Biodigital Architecture & Genetics, ESARQ School of Architecture, Universitat Internacional
de Catalunya, Barcelona
16.00: Living Colors - Redefining Color
Through Materials Research Essi Johanna Glomb, Designer & Researcher,
Studio Blond & Bieber / weißensee
kunsthochschule berlin
16.20: Natural Fibre-reinforced Bioplastics:
a Step Towards Sustainable **Construction Materials Dr. Holger Fischer, Faser- und Materialentwicklung,
Faserinstitut Bremen e.V.
16.40 Coffee / Tea
17.00: Open Source & Circularity – Why is it the Perfect Match and How to Make it Work Lars Zimmermann, Artist & Economist, OSCE days, Berlin
17.25: Designing Material Ecosystems
Anastasia Pistofidou, Founder FabTextiles and Textile Academy, Barcelona
17.45: Ecological Interactions and Modes of Industry Jonathan Minchin, Project Manager IAAC/Valldaura Labs, Barcelona / London
18.10: DRYVER - A Mobile Cloud Service Annette Schmid, Ronnenberg Creative ,Technology, Hamburg / London
18.20: Conclusion
greenlab thanks its partners and sponsors for supporting this symposium: