„Barefootprint“ is a concept for a community-based online platform that deals with the sustainable production of modular barefoot shoes from recycled and recyclable materials. The platform provides free instructions on how to build barefoot shoes and allows, with little resources and experience, to do it all by oneself. The designs are based on simple woven, braided and plug-in connections, which makes it easy to assemble, disassemble and exchange components. Waste material which accumulates in private households, businesses and other institutions is collected by members of the community. After that, the material will be recycled by making it available at various distribution points for the manufacture of the shoes.


critical design
waste as ressource


Prof. Dr. Zane Berzina, Prof. Susanne Schwarz-Raacke, Prof. Barbara Schmidt, Prof. Steffen Schuhmann, Prof. Dr. Lucy Norris, Julia Wolf, Essi-Johanna Glomb