How is salmon cultivation shaped and dominated by the current industry and global markets, and what influence does it have on the real ecosystem and choices available to consumers?

Chase-Salmon is an interactive website that, in a serious yet playful manner, provides the public with unvarnished insights into the production chain of salmon. It not only aims to present the structure of the salmon supply chain as an example for a global market, but also provides detailed evidence for how mainstream food production, which claims to serve humans efficiently and protect the environment, actually has far-reaching effects on the life of the wild salmon and the ecosystems connected to it.

While customers are largely influenced in their choices by the industry, better information, organization and awareness of their position may empower them to exert their influence on the current situation. Revealing that truth behind the products on supermarket shelves can therefore be an effective step to reverse the imbalance in power between consumers and producers.

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Prof. Dr. Zane Berzina, Prof. Susanne Schwarz-Raacke, Prof. Barbara Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Lucy Norris, Julia Wolf, Prof. Steffen Schuhmann