Spontaneous eating is not only a response to hunger but is often driven by emotions. Over time, we develop eating patterns, based e.g. on our nutritional socialization, the degree of self-control, or acquired convictions which overlap with the particular situation of eating.
“Emotional eating” is a habitual and irrational response to negative feelings with a comforting but only short-lived effect. It often leads to the “emotional eating cycle” in which the eating itself and its negative effects become a perpetuating factor. A similar mechanism sets in with “external eating” when external triggers affect your eating behaviour.
Reflecting on the exceptional times of Corona, the aim is to optimize the processes of preparing, eating, and sharing food in the format of an online platform. It consists of five parts which respectively meet people’s needs for experiencing, sharing, social communication, urgent demand, and information, and aims to encourage a more rational eating cycle.
 [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="http://greenlab2.kh-berlin.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/experience.mp4"][/video]