How can the nature surrounding us become the starting point and component of creative and artistic processes?

How well do we actually know our immediate natural surroundings? Often, we can't even precisely name the plants that grow in it. Yet many of them even hold unexpected potential for creative use.

kiez_colours draws the attention to the dyes contained in plants and their possible applications. The project website provides various instructions on how to make pigments and paints and how to dye textiles. Complemented by an overview of local dye plants, they form the basis for developing an individual color palette. The results can in turn be uploaded to the website's open archive. In addition to the online format, workshops are held as part of the project, inviting people to experiment together.


waste as ressource


Prof. Dr. Zane Berzina, Prof. Susanne Schwarz-Raacke, Prof. Steffen Schuhmann, Prof. Barbara Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Lucy Norris, Julia Wolf