Can a social space in a university context help increase interest in and promote the use of fermentation as a method for producing beverages and materials?

The LABar offers you a range of probiotic kombucha and water kefir drinks in a variety of flavors. You will get an insight into the fermentation processes which are necessary for their brewing and the by-products that are created in the process. So the bar is a laboratory, as well.

It shows that fermentation can be used not only for food preparation, but also for the production of compostable bioplastics. For instance, a translucent membrane successively forms on the kombucha, which becomes a leather-like material after drying. The water kefir crystals can be plastically shaped by heat, vary in color, and are visually reminiscent of amber.

In the context of the new campus, the LABar communicates the potential of an easy-to-use technology for generating sustainable materials while enjoying a glass of kombucha or water kefir.


conceptual strategies
education information
social design


Prof. Dr. Zane Berzina, Prof. Susanne Schwarz-Raacke, Prof. Steffen Schuhmann, Prof. Barbara Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Lucy Norris, Julia Wolf