What does the pressing of juice have to do with plastic?

The industrial processing of fruits and vegetables into juice results in huge quantities of another material, the potential of which is hardly exploited. The waste is currently used to make biogas or animal food, however its unique qualities could be put to much better use.

Pomace focuses on the development of processes that can turn juice pulp into a durable but biodegradable material that can be used as an alternative to plastic. The colours, scents, textures, haptic and visual characteristics of different types of pomace are incorporated into the new material as additional sensual components.

Through a series of experiments with different processing techniques, such as moulding into flexible bioplastic surfaces, the possibilities for a wide range of possible applications are opened up. Parameters such as transparency, flexibility, density, surface structure were investigated. Possible areas of application range from architecture through to household objects and textiles.


circular economy
material innovation
renewable ressources
waste as ressource
zero waste


Prof. Dr. Zane Berzina, Prof. Barbara Schmidt, Prof. Steffen Schuhmann, Prof. Mark-Jan Bludau, Prof. Dr. Lucy Norris, Mina Mahouti