How can a textile become a carrier of its own history?

In front of you is a textile. It is a handmade crocheted doily. Take it in your hand and pull the thread that is already hanging out a little. Pull it and see what happens. Stitch by stitch, the surface dissolves, its structure and shape seem to offer no resistance.

On the other hand, the thread itself does not easily shed its previously adopted shape and also reveals a colour pattern which reflects the former structure of the textile. When it is used again, its previous history inscribes itself in the new textile. Two craft production processes that are separate in time and space, through which also the people involved are connected, even if they have never met.

We often find crocheted textiles in old family collections or at a flea market as anonymous objects that can be assigned to a past time. Their basic element is a single thread that allows them to transform completely and enter a present in which they can take on ever new forms.


circular economy
craft culture
social design
zero waste


Prof. Dr. Zane Berzina, Elisabeth Oestringer, Essi-Johanna Glomb, Andreas Kallfelz