What does your Land of Milk and Honey look and feel like today? What happens there, and who do you share it with?

A framed room, open to the top, formed by suspended textiles that activate a spectrum of sensory and cognitive associations. The fabrics are displaceable, individually adaptable and form ever new combinations. Overlays emerge, openings and closings, different views to the inside or outside. A counter-model to the given built architecture, to the functionally oriented reality.

We live in constant availability, without the possibility to switch off. Permanent pressure to perform, an abundance of information and goods, and a busy or fragmented daily routine do not allow us to calm and come to ourselves. Truly not a land of milk and honey. But what would be the utopia of our time?


conceptual strategies
critical design
social design
speculative design


Prof. Dr. Zane Berzina, Prof. Susanne Schwarz-Raacke, Prof. Steffen Schuhmann, Prof. Barbara Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Lucy Norris, Julia Wolf