A harvest that no one has planted, accessible to everyone and usable with simple means.
Year after year, eelgrass from undulating underwater meadows washes up on the beach and forms small mounds along the coast. Itonly has to be collected and cleaned and can then be turned into insulation, roofing or upholstery, which was once quite common.
Today, however, instead of an old gathering tradition, mainly bathing tourists can be found there, and daily cleaning vehicles drivethrough the sand, damaging the ecosystem and turning a super material into garbage.
In an eelgrass mattress no mite will be found, sweat is quickly absorbed and released, and even if the lightweight material is constantly wet, it will not go mouldy. In addition, it has a good carbon footprint and is freely available.
My goal was to reinterpret old uses and explore visual as well as functional qualities. The result is an archive that makes the potentialof the material visible by means of various textile techniques.